


the retinotopic property
the retina
the cortical map


The following picture represents a part of the prototypes (a prototype of a neuron is inside a square) of a 8000 neurons map. Topological property of self organizing map is preserved in our model. However, locally, variations of contrast aren't exhaustive.


We have  two manners to explain this lack of exhaustivity :

the world where the robot evolves isn't rich enough to express the whole possible variations of contrast.
the property of retinotopy implies strong constraints during the self organization process. In order to solve this problem, we have modified the inputs of the cortical map in order to free the process. Our solution , however, doesn't free the process enough.

Our  model extends the Kohonen map by adding it the retinotopy. In order to free the process of self organisation, we need to look for a model that takes into account biological properties more accurately.