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The 1967 fall: starting the first term in Supelec. On this photo, you can recognize, on top of myself, in striped t-shirt, Laurent Tourres, which shows his "marteau-piqueur" (pneumatic drill) composed of a hammer(marteau) on which was glued a thumbtack which stings (pique) !
(photo provided by Marc Sinou)


The 1967 fall
Our promotion godmother, Janine Charrat (A well known ballet dancer)
(photo and commentary provided by Marc Sinou)


The 1967 start of the term
On top of myself, with stripes, I recognise Eisenberger behind me, Guyot-Sionnest on the left and Artus (second row, left)
(photo and commentary provided by Marc Sinou)

The BZH ticket stands for the posterity
(Blanloeil, Hurbin, Zanettin - BZH stands for Breizh, the britton name for Britanny)
(the BZH ticket was applying for the elections of the promotion presidenship of the committee, or whatever, under the program: the ticket who promise to do nothing and to keep its (only) promise!)
(Photo and commentary provided by Alberto Zanettin)


The "CLASH" (Yearly Promotion Gala) in 1967

Our team was in charge to made Janet's amphitheater backroom  a medieval crypt, according to the motto of the Clash. It was then necessary to build up the usual "Entrepose" tube structure.
From L to R: M. Lesioux, L. Tourres, C. Cussac, R. Perramant, C. Tillenon, C. Orru
(Photo and commentary provided by Laurent Tourres)

We had also to construct vaults (a job almost as difficult as the Masons' one) without closing the "Sioux" office too early. This latter was closed at the last minute (picture 2). The frescoes were drawn after devils from the tympanon of the Autun cathedral and scenes from the dead dance from La Chaise-Dieu. They have been preserved for the future and still carefully kept in an attic of my father's house
(Photo and commentary provided by Laurent Tourres)

Picture 3 shows a (small) part of the final result : the nice profile of one of the vaults (almost as nice as the CNIT's one) can be admired as well as the quality of stone cutting and wall paintings. The visible satisfaction of the builders faced to the completed work can also be noticed !
from Right to left,  front : C. Cussac, M.-H. Pollak (69), B. Pompon (69), A le Dû (69), L.Tourres
rear  C. Crépeau, R. Boscher, M. Guérin, C. Tillenon, M. Artigalas (69), R. Perramant, I cannot put a name on the last one. Could he be a 69er?.
(Photo and commentary provided by Laurent Tourres)
The "CLASH" (Yearly Promotion Gala) in 1968

We see Arié at work in the Maxim's cabaret (The main hall)
(Photo and commentary provided by Laurent Tourres)

The cantine transformed in a pub. We can see, in the center, Benoît, and further on, on the right, Guesnier
(Photo and commentary provided by Laurent Tourres)

Fournet asking to the workers who were noisily digging under the windows of the Electromagnetism classroom "Do I disturb you?" (Anecdote told by par Bernard Vivinis)

Home 1970             Accueil 1970

Trombinoscope réalisé par Hervé Laborne et Alberto Zanettin. .

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porté et adapté le 8 février 2013      modifié le 8 février 2013