author = { and Thomas Jost and Stephane Vialle},
title = {{Impact of asynchronism on GPU accelerated parallel iterative computations}},
year = {2012},
booktitle = {{Applied Parallel and Scientific Computing, 10th International Conference, PARA 2010, Proceedings, Part I}},
publisher = {Springer, Heidelberg},
volume = {7133},
note = {Extended and selected paper of PARA 2010 conference, 11 pages},
editor = {Kristján Jónasson (Ed)},
series = {LNCS},
url = {http://www.metz.supelec.fr/metz/recherche/publis_pdf/Supelec751.pdf},
abstract = {We study the impact of asynchronism on parallel iterative algorithms in the particular context of local clusters of workstations including GPUs. The application test is a classical PDE problem of advection-diffusion-reaction in 3D. We propose an asynchronous version of a previously developed PDE solver using GPUs for the inner computations. The algorithm is tested with two kinds of clusters, a homogeneous one and a heterogeneous one (with di erent CPUs and GPUs).}