author = {Cristian Dan and Delphine Wolfersberger and Therese Fressengeas and Hervé Leblond and Mathieu Chauvet and Fabrice Devaux},
title = {{Fast photorefractive self-focusing in InP:Fe at infra-red wavelengths: simulations and experimental results}},
year = {2009},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of Topical Meeting Photorefractive Materials, Effects, and Devices Control of Light and Matter (PR'09)}},
pages = {P2-19},
month = {jun},
note = {[Poster]},
address = {Bad Honnef (Germany)},
abstract = {Photorefractive self focusing in InP :Fe semiconductor is analysed experimentally and theoretically at 1.06 and 1.55 µm. We show how the self focusing can be controlled by tuning various parameters. Short response times (10µs) are measured for low intensities (10W/cm²).}