author = {Lokman Abbas-Turki and Stephane Vialle},
title = {{European Option Princing on a GPU Cluster}},
year = {2008},
month = {December},
note = {2nd JTE GPGPU. Lip6, Paris, France. December 4},
url = {http://www.metz.supelec.fr/metz/recherche/publis_pdf/Supelec501.pdf},
abstract = {The aim of this presentation is a comparison in terms of speed and energy consumption between CPU and GPU clusters using financial application as a benchmark. After a fast introduction on the field of application we will give details on the hardware and software architectures used. Then we will introduce a multiparadigm parallel algorithm, mixing coarse and fine grained parallelism, and its implementations using MPI+OpenMP on CPU cluster and MPI+CUDA on GPU cluster. Finally, some computing and energetic performances on different clusters will be compared. }