author = {Delphine Wolfersberger and Naima Khelfaoui and Cristian Dan and Nicolas Fressengeas and Hervé Leblond},
title = {{Fast photorefractive self-focusing in InP:Fe semiconductor at infrared wavelengths}},
journal = {Applied Physics Letters},
year = {2008},
volume = {92},
number = {2},
pages = {021106-1-3},
month = {jan},
url = {http://link.aip.org/link/\'eAPPLAB/92/021106/1},
doi = {10.1063/1.2830989},
abstract = {Photorefractive beam self-trapping is investigated in InP:Fe and is shown to occur within tens of microseconds after beam switch on. This fast response time is predicted by an analytical theoretical interpretation based on a simple photorefraction model which suggests buildups in a time range consistent with experiments. },
hal = {hal-00216680}