author = {Cristian Dan and Delphine Wolfersberger and Nicolas Fressengeas and Germano Montemezzani and Ivan Garanovich},
title = {{Near infrared photorefractive self focusing in Sn2P2S6:Te crystals}},
journal = { Optics Express},
year = {2007},
volume = {15},
number = {20},
pages = {12777-82},
month = {sep},
url = {http://www.opticsexpress.org/abstract.cfm\'eid=142113},
abstract = {The experimental observation of photorefractive self focusing in Sn2P2S6 : Te bulk crystals at 1.06 mm wavelength is presented. Steady state self focusing is reached as fast as 15 ms for an input peak intensity equal to 160 W/cm2. Self focusing is maximum for input peak intensities around 15 W/cm2 and is decreasing for intensities below and above this value.},
hal = {hal-00168980}