Supervision of PhD Thesis

Stephane Vialle

Past PhD Thesis:

  1. 2000, october 22 - Yann Boniface. Etude et développement d'une bibliothèque d'adaptation du parallélisme neuromimétique au parallélisme MIMD - Design and implementation of a library to adapt neuromimetic parallelism to MIMD one. University Henri Poincaré - Nancy I. Collaboration with Loria-Cortex team (PhD Thesis main supervisor was Frederic Alexandre), and Charles Hermite Center. Html documentation. Report (In french).

  2. 2001, November 7 - Makram Bouzid. Contribution à la modélisation de l'interaction agent/environnement : Modélisation stochastique et simulation parallèle - Contribution to a model of agent/environment interaction: Stochastic model and parallel simulation. University Henri Poincaré - Nancy I. Collaboration with Loria-Maia team (PhD Thesis main supervisor was François Charpillet, and other co-supervisor was Vincent Chevrier), and Charles Hermite Center. Report (In french).

  3. 2002, March 8 - Eugen Dedu. Parallelisation of situated multi-agent systems. University de Versailles St-Quentin. (PhD Thesis main supervisor was Claude Timsit). Collaboration with Charles Hermite Center. Report.
  1. 2011, February 2 - Constantinos Makassikis. Design of a model and frameworks to distribute applications on PC clusters with limited overhead fault tolerance. University Henri Poincarre - Nancy-I (PhD Thesis also supervised by Virginie Galtier). Report.
  1. 2012, October 17 - Wilfiried Kirschenmann: Design of a generic lybrary for linear algebra on both multicore CPU and manycore GPU. University of Lorraine. (PhD Thesis also supervised by Laurent Plagne - EDF). Report.

Ongoing PhD thesis under my supervision: