Supervision of Master Thesis and Engineering Projects

Stephane Vialle

CNAM Engineering Master Thesis (stage CNAM de Lorraine) - 6 to 12 months:

Past CNAM Engineering Master Thesis:

  1. 2004 - Fabrice Sabatier. Conception et déploiement d'une grille de contrôle de processus physiques - Design and deployment of a Grid for physical proces control. CNAM de Lorraine. Report (in french).

  2. 2006 - Sebastien Bezzine. Conception et implantation d'une Grille de calculs de risques tolerante aux pannes - Design and implementation of a fault tolerant computing Grid for risk analysis. CNAM de Lorraine. Report (in french).

  3. 2012 - Kevin Dehlinger. Accélération de la classification de sources sonores pour le traitement de sons de très longues durées - Speedup of sound source classification applied to very long sounds. CNAM de Lorraine. Report (in french).

Ongoing CNAM Engineering Master Thesis under my supervision:

Research Master Thesis - 3 to 6 months:

  1. 1991 - Daniel Méketyn. Implantation d'un langage cellulaire sur machines parallèles à base de transputers - Implementation of a cellular language on Transputer based parallel computers. University Nancy-I & Supelec. Report (in french).

  2. 1992 - Stéphane Gay. Réalisation d'un système de communication multiprocesseurs optimisé - Design and implementation of an optimized communication system for a processor network. University Nancy-I & Supelec. Report (in french).

  3. 1993 - François Parmentier. PAPER~: une approche algorithmique cellulaire parallèle du perceptron multicouche - PAPER: a parallel and cellular algorithmic approach for multilayer perceptron. University Nancy-I & Supelec. Report (in french).

  4. 1994 - Martial Bardot. Implantation et utilisation de la MCV et de ParCeL sur T-Node - Implementation and experimentation of the VCM and of ParCeL on T-Node parallel computer. University Nancy-I & Supelec. Collaboration with Dominique Méry. Report (in french).

  5. 1994 - Frédéric Wolff. Répartition dynamique de charge dans la Machine Cellulaire Virtuelle - Dynamic load balancing in the Virtual Cellular Machine. University Nancy-I & Supelec. Report (in french).

  6. 1997 - Lionel Kipp. Application du parallélisme aux systèmes multi-agents - Parallelisation of multi agent systems. University Nancy-I & Supelec. Report (in french).

  7. 1998 - Lionel Bouton. ParMASS~: un simulateur de systèmes multi-agents parallèle - ParMASS: a parallel simulator of multi agent systems. University Nancy-I & Supelec. Report (in french).

  8. 2000 - Vincent Martin. Déplacement d'un robot par détection d'arêtes dans des images caméras - Obstacle avoiding from image processing and edge detection. University Nancy-I & Supelec. Html documentation. Report (in french).

  9. 2000 - Benoît Villaumié. Analyse d'images par réseaux de neurones pour le guidage d'un robot autonome - Image analysis using neural nets, to manage an autonomous robot. University of Caen & Supelec. Collaboration with Frederic Alexandre and Herve Frezza-Buet. Html documentation. Report (in french).

  10. 2001 - Cyrile Roussel. Conception d'un système de navigation pour un robot mobile basé sur la détection des marques p-similaire - Design of a navigation system for a mobil robot, based on p-similar landmark detection . University Nancy-I & Ensam & Supelec. Collaboration with Ali Siadat (Ensam). Html documentation. Report and Bibliographic report (in french).

  11. 2002 - Benjamin Hourte. Conception et implantation d’un modèle de programmation parallèle de systèmes corticaux : ParCeL-6/NRV - Design and implementation of a parallel programming model for cortical systems: ParCeL-6/NRV. University Nancy-I & Supelec. Report (in french).
  12. 2004 - Alexandru Iosup. Monitoring Methods and Performance Analysis Criteria in Grids for Physical Processes Control. University Politechnic of Bucarest (UPB) & Supelec. Supervised with Prof. Nicolae Tapus. Report.
  13. 2004 - Laurent Casse. Extension d’une bibliothèque parallèle de calcul cellulaire à des clusters de PC et à des grilles de calcul - Improvement of a parallel library for cellular computing to run on PC clusters. University Nancy-I & Supelec. Report (in french).
  14. 2005 - Didier Vagner. Conception d'une bibliothèque de calcul cellulaire étendu sur cluster de PC, disposant de modes de communication hybrides - Design of an extended cellular computing library on a PC cluster, including hybrid communication modes. University Nancy-I & Supelec. Report (in french).
  15. 2006 - Mircea Ifrim. Integration of GPU into a Grid Architecture for Financial Computing .University Politechnic of Bucarest (UPB) & Supelec. Supervised with Prof. Nicolae Tapus. Report.

Selection of Engineering Research Projects - 2 to 6 months:

  1. 2000 - Vincent Rieger. Détection de marques artificielles dans l'environnement de navigation d'un robot mobile - Landmark detection based on image processing and P-similar functions. Studienarbeit, Universitat Karlsruhe & Ensam & Supelec. Html documentation. Report (In french).

  2. 2000 - Cedric Rose. Parallel image processing: p-similar landmark detection. Research project of the Charles Hermite Center and Supelec. Html documentation.

  3. 2002 - Olivier Gilloire & Issa Kébé. Opimization and parallelization of a CNFT algorithm (neural network) on a cluster of multiprocessor PC. Supelec research project. Html documentation.

  4. 2002 - Guillaume Schaeffer & Yan-Eric Douvier. Parallel text mining. Supelec research project, Supervised with Michel Ianotto. Html documentation.
  5. 2002 - 2003 - Matthieu Massonneau. Système de planification de trajectoires pour un robot mobile - Trajectory planification system for a mobil robot. Ensam & Supelec. Supervised with Ali Siadat, Christophe Giraud-Audine and Jean-Luc Bauchat. Report (in french).
  6. 2003 - Yan Eric Douvier, Guillaume Schaeffer. Designing a Grid-management API- InGrid. Html documentation.
  7. 2003 - Alexandru Iosup. Parallelization of a Mobile Robotics Application for PC-based Architectures, and Exploration for Future GRID Integration. University Politechnic of Bucarest (UPB) & Supelec. Report.
  8. 2004 - Radu Kopetz. Extension of a parallel library for cellular computing on a cluster of PCs and on computer grids. University Politechnic of Bucarest (UPB) & Supelec. Supervised with Prof. Nicolae Tapus. Report.
  9. 2005 - Bruno Roggeri and Rémi Lallement. Résolution du problème des N reines en multithreading Java, expérimentation de différentes JVM - Multithreaded Implementation of N-Queens Problem in Java, experimentation of different JVM. Supelec research project. Report (in french).
  10. 2005 - Mircea Ifrim. Design and implementation of an extented cellular computing libray on a DSM. University Politechnic of Bucarest (UPB) & Supelec. Supervised with Prof. Nicolae Tapus. Report.
  11. 2005 - Arnaud Defrance & Morgann Wauquier. Optimisation et parallélisation de calculs financiers sur cluster de PCs - Optimization and parallelisation of financial computations on PC clusters. Supelec & Summit Systems (Confidential report).
  12. Engineering project in 2005: Frederic Sassolas. Distribution of financial pricing computation with ProActive on Grid5000. Supelec & Inria Sophia-Antipolis. Supervised with Francoise Baude. In progress...
  13. Software development project in 2005: Sebastien Bezzine. Distribution of financial risk analysis with ProActive. CNAM de Lorraine & Supelec, in collaboration with Inria Sophia-Antipolis. Start on September 1, 2005. 3 month project.