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#include <elec.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
// This splits the electrons into subsets. A single simulation step
// consist of SIM_SPLIT repetitions of the following : compute E, move
// the ith subset. The higher SIM_SPLIT, the smoother particles
// motion.... but the higher time consumption.
#define SIM_SPLIT 10
#define SIM_DT 1
#define MAX_PLOT_FIELD_NORM 100000
#define PLOT_FIELD_SCALE 5e-6
#define MESH_SIZE 40
#define NB_V_CONTOURS 20
#define RESISTIVITY 1 // Good conductor
#define ROTATION_VIEW .1
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if(argc != 4) {
std::cout << "Usage : " << argv[0] << " <particle|field|both> <a|b|..> <nb-frames> | elec-plot.py" << std::endl
<< " " << argv[0] << " <particle|field|both> <a|b|..> <nb-frames> | elec-plotV.py" << std::endl;
return 0;
bool part = true;
bool field = true;
std::string mode(argv[1]);
std::string cond(argv[2]);
unsigned int nb_steps = (unsigned int)(atoi(argv[3]));
double vmin,vmax;
double a = 20;
if(mode == "particle") {
part = true;
field = false;
else if(mode == "field") {
part = false;
field = true;
// The world handles the simulation, i.e. its particles, the
// conductors, as well as a generator (not used here).
elec::World world;
elec::conductor::Disk da1({-.5 , 0}, .20, RESISTIVITY);
elec::conductor::Disk da2({ .5 , 0}, .30, RESISTIVITY);
elec::conductor::Rectangle ra1({-.5 , -.14}, {.5 , .15}, RESISTIVITY);
elec::conductor::Disk db1({-.2 , -.2 }, .4, RESISTIVITY);
elec::conductor::Rectangle rb1({-.25, 0}, {-.15, .6 }, RESISTIVITY);
elec::conductor::Rectangle rb2({0 , -.25}, {.6 , -.15}, RESISTIVITY);
elec::conductor::Disk d ({0 , 0}, .5, RESISTIVITY);
elec::Point rand_min, rand_max;
bool uniform_electron_init = false;
double electron_ratio = 1;
// cond values allows to generate different conductor
// configurations.
if(cond == "a") {
// First, add conductors in the world. Be careful, in case of
// overlaps, the first added conductor defines the space
// properties at overlapping areas.
world += da1;
world += da2;
world += ra1;
rand_min = {-.05,-.05};
rand_max = { .05, .05};
electron_ratio = 3;
vmin = -10000;
vmax = 0;
else if(cond == "b") {
world += db1;
world += rb1;
world += rb2;
uniform_electron_init = true;
electron_ratio = 3;
vmin = -10000;
vmax = 0;
else if(cond == "c") {
world += da1;
world += da2;
world += ra1;
rand_min = {-.05,-.05};
rand_max = { .05, .05};
electron_ratio = .33;
vmin = -1000;
vmax = 2000;
else {
world += d;
rand_min = {-.05,-.05};
rand_max = { .05, .05};
electron_ratio = 3;
vmin = -10000;
vmax = 0;
// Now, we have to set up protons. They will not move in the
// simulation.
// Let us set the same number of electrons in case of
// uniform_electron_init. This correspond to an electrically neutral
// piece of metal.
unsigned int nb_electrons = (unsigned int)(world.nb_protons()*electron_ratio);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_electrons; ++i)
// Notify the end of particle definition each time yu add particles.
elec::Point min = {-1,-1};
elec::Point max = { 1, 1};
std::vector<elec::Point> mesh;
std::vector<elec::Point> Efield;
std::vector<double> Vfield;
double max_norm;
std::pair<double,double> vbound;
auto plot = elec::plot::figure("Conductor", min, max);
if(field) {
max_norm = elec::E(world.particles().begin(), world.particles().end(),mesh.begin(), mesh.end(),std::back_inserter(Efield));
vbound = elec::V(world.particles().begin(), world.particles().end(),mesh.begin(), mesh.end(),std::back_inserter(Vfield));
for(unsigned int step = 0; step < nb_steps; ++step, a+=ROTATION_VIEW) {
std::cerr << "max |E| = " << max_norm << std::endl
<< "V in [" << vbound.first << ", " << vbound.second << ']' << std::endl;
if(field) {
plot.__plot_potential(mesh.begin(), mesh.end(), Vfield.begin(), Vfield.end(), vmin, vmax, NB_V_CONTOURS);
plot.__plot_field(mesh.begin(), mesh.end(), Efield.begin(), Efield.end(),PLOT_FIELD_SCALE,MAX_PLOT_FIELD_NORM);
plot.__plot_particles(world.particles().begin(), world.particles().end());
if(field) {
max_norm = elec::E(world.particles().begin(), world.particles().end(),mesh.begin(), mesh.end(),std::back_inserter(Efield));
vbound = elec::V(world.particles().begin(), world.particles().end(),mesh.begin(), mesh.end(),std::back_inserter(Vfield));
return 0;