import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for plotting. import itertools as it # for smart lazy iterations. import numpy as np # for fast array manipulations. import pickle # for dumping python object instances. # This is scikit modules import sklearn.datasets import sklearn.utils import sklearn.svm # Let us load the dataset. iris = sklearn.datasets.load_iris() inputs, labels = sklearn.utils.shuffle(, # Let us apply a linear C-SVM (see the documentation for parameters) # ovo means "one vs one" print() print('learning...') c_ovo = sklearn.svm.SVC(C=10, kernel='rbf', gamma=.1, tol=1e-6, decision_function_shape='ovo') p_ovo =, labels) print('done') # Let us now retrieve the inner classifiers. As the coefficients are # organized in a tricky way, let us define utilities for that purpose. def ovo_name(class1, class2): return '{} vs {}'.format(class1,class2) def ovo_names(nb_classes): classes = range(nb_classes) for (idx,c1) in enumerate(classes): for c2 in classes[idx+1:] : yield ovo_name(c1,c2) raise StopIteration() def ovo_other_names(the_class, nb_classes): for c in range(nb_classes) : if c < the_class: yield ovo_name(c, the_class) elif c > the_class: yield ovo_name(the_class, c) raise StopIteration() print() print('4-class ovo names : {}'.format( [s for s in ovo_names ( 4)] )) print('class 2 classifiers : {}'.format( [s for s in ovo_other_names(2, 4)] )) # Lets us see which vectors in the input is actually used as a support. print() print('Support vectors') for (idx,support) in zip(p_ovo.support_,p_ovo.support_vectors_) : print(' input #{} : {} == {}'.format(idx,support,inputs[idx])) # Let us collect (support_idx, alpha) for each classifiers in a # dictionary, indexed by the classifier name. This is quite # intricated... # Each disctinary entry is : # key : classifier name (e.g '1 vs 2') # value : a pair : # first : the offset (intersect) # second : a list of pairs (support_idx, coef) def ovo_separators(classifier): nb_classes = len(classifier.classes_) seps = dict() # This is the result offsets = (offset for offset in classifier.intercept_) for name in ovo_names(nb_classes) : # we init the dictionary content as empty lists. seps[name] = [next(offsets),[]] nb_supports = (n for n in classifier.n_support_) # nb_sup_class1, nb_sup_class2, ... support_idx = (idx for idx in classifier.support_) # 1,4,18,2,.... the ranks of the supports in the input set alphas_y_s = (coefs for coefs in classifier.dual_coef_.transpose()) # read the docs, it is intricated. for the_class in range(nb_classes) : # for each class for sup_rank in range(next(nb_supports)) : # for each support for that class sup_idx = next(support_idx) # The idx of the support vector concerned by the coefs coefs = (coef for coef in next(alphas_y_s)) # the coefs for each classifier for that support. for name in ovo_other_names(the_class, nb_classes) : coef = next(coefs) if coef != 0 : seps[name][1].append((sup_idx,coef)) return seps print() print('Separators') print() seps = ovo_separators(p_ovo) print(seps) print() for sep_name in ovo_names(len(p_ovo.classes_)): print('Separator "{}" has {} support vectors.'.format(sep_name, len(seps[sep_name][1]))) print()