Logiciels développés

stability.tar :

This is a directory containing three sub-directories \bin, \doc and \src.
They contain executable, user's guide and sources of a program written in C,
testing the stability of bi-dimensionnal recursive digital filters, which
are quater-plan or non symetrical half plan and real.

This program has been compiled
. on PC with TurboC and MSDOS,
. on Sun with cc and UNIX.
To read these files you must do :
- 'tar xvf stability.tar' ---> you obtain 'stability' directory

Thanks for sending your remarks to : barret@metz.supelec.fr

logiciels développés
  • cliquer sur "logiciels"
  • choisir comme nom de fichier "stability.tar"
  • lancer : tar xvf stability.tar